6 Weeks Ultrasound: What to Expect from a Private Ultrasound Scan

An ultrasound at 6 weeks of pregnancy is an exciting opportunity for expecting parents to get an early glimpse of their growing baby. While it may still be early in your pregnancy journey, the 6-week ultrasound can provide valuable insights into the baby’s development and offer reassurance that everything is progressing as it should. If you’re considering a private ultrasound scan, here’s what you need to know about what happens during this early stage of pregnancy.

What Is a 6-Week Ultrasound?

A 6-week ultrasound is typically one of the first opportunities to confirm a pregnancy through imaging. At this stage, the embryo is tiny, around the size of a lentil, but critical structures are already beginning to form. While you may not see a fully developed baby, you’ll likely be able to spot a gestational sac, the early embryo, and perhaps the earliest flicker of the fetal heartbeat.

Many parents choose to undergo a private ultrasound scan at 6 weeks for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Early pregnancy confirmation: If you’ve just found out you’re pregnant, a 6-week ultrasound can provide confirmation.
  • Reassurance: If you’ve experienced previous pregnancy losses or complications, an early scan can offer peace of mind.
  • Determining pregnancy location: The ultrasound can confirm that the pregnancy is developing in the uterus and not in the fallopian tubes (an ectopic pregnancy).
  • Date estimation: A 6-week scan helps estimate how far along you are in your pregnancy.

Why Choose a Private Ultrasound Scan?

While many healthcare systems offer routine ultrasounds later in pregnancy (typically around 12 weeks for the first scan), some parents opt for a private ultrasound scan to get an earlier look. Private scans offer:

  • Quicker appointments: With less waiting time compared to public health systems, you can book an appointment that fits your schedule.
  • A more personal experience: Private clinics often offer longer appointment times, allowing you to ask more questions and discuss any concerns.
  • State-of-the-art technology: Private clinics often use high-quality imaging technology, giving you clearer images of your baby, even at this early stage.
  • Customization: You may have the option to bring family members or receive extra keepsakes, such as printed images or video footage.

What to Expect During a 6-Week Ultrasound

At 6 weeks, an abdominal ultrasound may not provide a clear picture due to the embryo’s small size, so a transvaginal ultrasound is usually recommended. This type of scan involves inserting a small probe into the vagina, allowing for clearer images.

During the scan, you can expect to see:

  • Gestational sac: This is the first visible sign of early pregnancy. It appears as a small black area in the uterus.
  • Yolk sac: Within the gestational sac, the yolk sac nourishes the embryo during its earliest stages.
  • Fetal pole: Around 6 weeks, a small fetal pole may be visible, which will eventually develop into the baby.
  • Heartbeat: Though not always detectable, many 6-week scans may pick up a fetal heartbeat, usually flickering at a rate of 90 to 110 beats per minute. This is often the most reassuring part for parents.

What If the Heartbeat Isn’t Detected?

At 6 weeks, it’s possible that you may not yet hear or see a heartbeat, and this is completely normal. The embryo may still be too small, or your pregnancy may not be as far along as expected. Your sonographer will likely recommend returning in 1-2 weeks for a follow-up scan, which should provide clearer results.

Preparing for Your Private 6-Week Ultrasound

Preparing for an early ultrasound is simple. You’ll want to ensure you have the following in place:

  • Full bladder: Though not always necessary for a transvaginal scan, some clinics may ask you to arrive with a full bladder for an abdominal scan.
  • Questions: This is an excellent opportunity to discuss your concerns or ask questions about your pregnancy.
  • Support: Some parents bring a partner or family member for emotional support.

What Are the Limitations of a 6-Week Ultrasound?

While a 6-week ultrasound provides valuable insights, there are a few limitations:

  • Incomplete views: Due to the small size of the embryo, it may be difficult to get detailed images or identify all structures.
  • No gender determination: It’s too early to determine the baby’s gender at this stage. Gender determination usually occurs during the second trimester, around 16-20 weeks.
  • Accuracy of dating: While the scan can provide an estimated due date, it may be adjusted after a later scan when the embryo is larger and measurements are more accurate.


A private 6-week ultrasound offers expecting parents an early glimpse of their baby’s development, providing reassurance and excitement during the early stages of pregnancy. Though it may not provide detailed images, it serves as an important first step in confirming the pregnancy, checking for a heartbeat, and ensuring everything is progressing smoothly. If you’re considering a private scan, it can be a rewarding and reassuring experience to see your baby’s early development firsthand.

Call Private Ultrasound Scan on 02038157200 to make your booking today or you could book online by clicking here. We also offer same day appointment at no extra cost to you.

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