As a pregnant woman, it’s only natural to have some concerns or worries about your developing baby’s health. This is where reassurance scans can come in handy. In this blog, we will explore what reassurance scans are and how they can provide you with peace of mind during your pregnancy.

What is a Reassurance Scan?

A reassurance scan is a non-invasive ultrasound procedure that allows you to take a closer look at your developing baby. It’s a private ultrasound scan that can help to reassure you that your baby is developing normally. Reassurance scans usually take place in the second or third trimester of pregnancy and are entirely safe for both you and your baby.

Why Get a Reassurance Scan?

Reassurance scans are particularly useful for expectant mothers who are experiencing anxiety or have had complications in previous pregnancies. It provides an opportunity to check that your baby is growing healthily and can be extremely reassuring for those who have experienced a miscarriage or stillbirth in the past.

What Can You Expect During a Reassurance Scan?

A reassurance scan is carried out in the same way as a regular ultrasound scan. A small transducer probe will be placed on your belly,

which will emit high-frequency sound waves, allowing the sonographer to see a real-time image of your baby on a screen. During the scan, your sonographer will be looking for signs of any abnormalities or potential issues with your baby’s development. Your baby’s size, shape, mobility, heartbeat and growth will be checked.

What Happens if an Issue is Discovered?

If an issue is found during the reassurance scan, your sonographer will discuss the next steps with you and may request that you follow up with your doctor or midwife for further testing. In many cases, concerns can be addressed with further examinations, or treated with medication.

In conclusion, a reassurance scan can be an excellent way to get peace of mind during your pregnancy. It’s a safe and straightforward procedure that can help alleviate any anxiety you may be experiencing while ensuring the healthy growth and development of your baby. Always remember, however worried or stressed you feel, the best thing you can do for yourself and your baby is to stay as calm and relaxed as possible.

Click here to book your reassurance scan for peace of mind or call Private Ultrasound Scan on 02038-157200