Well Woman Scan: What You Need to Know

A well woman scan is a comprehensive health assessment designed to review and analyze a woman’s reproductive and pelvic organs, such as the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes. This scan is a routine screening test that can be conducted by a private ultrasound scan.

What Is a Well Woman Scan?

A well woman scan is a health assessment that involves the use of ultrasound technology. This scan can be performed at any stage of a woman’s life, from adolescence to menopause, and is specifically designed to check the general health of the reproductive and pelvic organs. During the scan, sound waves are used to produce images of the ovaries, uterus, and fallopian tubes to help detect any abnormal growths, cysts, or other conditions that may affect a woman’s health.

Why Should You Consider a Well Woman Scan?

A well woman scan is recommended for any woman who wants to take an active role in her health and wellbeing. It is particularly useful for women who have a family history of ovarian or breast cancer, or who have previously experienced gynecological health issues.

Regular well woman scans can provide an early warning system for the early detection of abnormalities and conditions such as ovarian cysts, endometriosis, and fibroids. These conditions can be difficult to diagnose in their early stages and can cause significant health problems if left untreated.

How Is a Well Woman Scan Performed?

A well woman scan is a straightforward and non-invasive procedure that usually takes around 15 minutes to complete. During the scan, you will lie down on an examination table with your lower abdomen exposed. A special jelly is applied to your abdomen and a small, handheld device called a transducer is gently placed on your skin. The transducer emits high-frequency sound waves that are received by a computer, which creates a detailed image of your reproductive and pelvic organs.

What Happens After the Well Woman Scan?

After the well woman scan, the sonographer will discuss the results with you. If any abnormalities or concerns are discovered, the sonographer will recommend appropriate action, such as further tests or treatment. If no issues are found, the sonographer will let you know that everything appears to be normal.


In summary, a well woman scan is a health assessment designed to review and analyze a woman’s reproductive and pelvic organs. This scan is particularly useful for women with a history of gynecological problems, or those who want to take a proactive approach to their health and wellbeing. At Private Ultrasound Scan, we offer comprehensive well woman scans that are performed by experienced professionals using the latest ultrasound technology. If you would like to book a well woman scan, please do not hesitate to contact us on 02038-157200 or lick here to book on-line.